Hello! I am a third-year Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science, advised by Simone Campanoni at Northwestern ARCANA Lab.
My primary research interest lies in advancing the field of parallel processing via compiler support and multi-threaded scheduling techniques.
My research aims to enable programmers to write generic parallel programs while producing portable and performant binaries for various parallel architectures and heterogeneous systems.
I am also interested in parallelizing compilers, code analysis, and compiler optimizations.
Compiling Loop-Based Nested Parallelism for Irregular Workloads, International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, [ASPLOS ‘24]
Yian Su, Mike Rainey, Nicholas Wanninger, Nadharm Dhiantravan, Jasper Liang, Umut Acar, Peter Dinda and Simone Campanoni
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PROMPT: A Fast and Extensible Memory Profiling Framework, International Conference on Object-oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications, [OOPSLA ‘24]
Ziyang Xu, Yebin Chon, Yian Su, Zujun Tan, Sotiris Apostolakis, Simone Campanoni and David I. August
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NOELLE Offers Empowering LLVM Extensions, International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization, [CGO ‘22]
Angelo Matni, Enrico A. Deiana, Yian Su, Lukas Gross, Souradip Ghosh, Sotiris Apostolakis, Ziyang Xu, Zujun Tan, Ishita Chaturvedi, Brian Homerding, Tommy McMichen, David I. August, and Simone Campanoni
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A Virtual Network Embedding Algorithm Based on Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization, International Conference on Smart Computing and Communication, [SmartCom ‘16]
Cong Wang, Yian Su, Lixin Zhou, Sancheng Peng, Ying Yuan and Hongtao Huang
Northwestern University, September 2021 – Present
Ph.D. in Computer Science
Adivsor: Simone Campanoni
Northwestern University, September 2018 – June 2020
Master’s in Computer Science
Adivsor: Simone Campanoni
Thesis: A better Memory Understanding for Program Dependence Graph through Static Value-Flow Analysis [ ]
University of Illinois at Chicago, September 2017 – May 2018
Exchange Program, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Advisor: Vladimir Goncharoff
Project: Intelligent Shopping Cart [ ]
Northeastern University (China), September 2014 – June 2018
Bachelor’s in Computer Science and Technology
Amazon.com, June 2020 – September 2021
Software Development Engineer
Amazon.com, June 2019 – September 2019
Software Development Engineer Intern